Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 7 - Modified Contour Line

Modified contour lines not only defines the shape but also communicate the light/dark, surface texture, weight and value of the drawing object. To draw with pencils, sharpen the pencils first. When drawing, press your pencil with different hand/wrist strengths, or use different pencils to get different darknesses/line weights.

Weekend homework: This weekend's homework will be evaluated towards your midterm grade to some degree.
1. Draw the food of one of your meals this weekend. I don't mean simple meal but rather it should have no less than two kinds of food. (suggested time: 30 to 40 minutes)

a. Put the food together in the way that you think they look good/cool/interesting. You can be creative in putting them together.
b. Just draw the contour lines. Do not shade. Pencil only. On 14x17" sketchbook.

2. Draw your shoes when they function in your daily life. (suggested time: 1.5 hours.)

What do I mean by "when they function"? These pictures are some examples, standing, relaxing, riding, walking, and what else?

Draw your own shoes when they doing their work, or your roommate's shoes. You can take a picture first, then do the drawing.


a. The drawing should include both shoes. But not just shoes sitting on the floor. They should be doing something. That means it would need to include an activity of your feet. But you don't have to draw your entire legs or other surrounding stuff. Keep it simple, shoes, when they function.

b. Countour lines. Pencil only. Shading optional. On you 14x17 sketchbook. Observe closely.

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