Monday, September 20, 2010

Term Project 1 - Collaborative Panoramic Drawing

This project is part of your mid-term test. It is like this,

3 to 5 students team up as a group. You go out to take several pictures from one spot. You put the pictures in photoshop to form a panoramic view from that spot. And each of the students in one group drawing from the pictures that you've taken. The pictures could either be interior or exterior. At the end, put your drawings together just like how you would have collaged the photo pictures in photoshop to form a panoramic drawing. You, as a group, will be expected to give a short presentation about your outcomes next Monday. The project is due the first class next week.

Here are some panoramic photo collage examples,


1. The number of pictures should be no more than two times of the number of student in your group, meaning if there are 3 students in your group, the picture number should either be 3 or 6, so that each of the students do one or two drawings from the picture.
2. There's limit place that you are supposed to take pictures about,
Interior - Anywhere inside the architecture building.
Exterior - Architecture building, Bussiness admistration building, English building, and the ourdoor area that these three buildings surrouding.
3. You are supposed to use 14x17" sketch pad to do the drawings. Pencil and color pencil. Ruler is recommended to use.
4. Use a cardboard to collage your drawings to form the final panorama. You can choose whatever color of cardboard that make your drawings look better, though black is more commonly used. At the right low corner of the cardboard, use a 2.5x3" white cardbord/paper to write/print the place that you did the drawings about, and the group members' names.
5. In the presentation, you can talk about the why your group chose to take pictures and draw this spot/object, what were the feelings when you do the drawings, or what you've learned from the team work, what you could imagine the future would be about the place that you drew, etc. It can be creative. Please write what you want to say before presentation, and rehearse a little bit. It would be formal. And I will grade you afterwards. 5 minutes presentation for a group.
6. Always try your very best to make it look good!!!

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