Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 3 - Weekend homework

Hey, guys!

From today on, please don't sign at the front of your drawings. Please write your NAME AND DATE in print at the left low corner at the back of your drawings. Because your portfolios are supposed to be anonymous.

1. This is a exterior one-point perspective. (Suggested finishing time: 3 hours.)

a. Use the 14x17" sketchpad.
b. Pencil and ruler. Then use color pencils to shade. Please be PATIANT!
c. You don't have to trace with pen or erase any pencil lines.

2. This is an interior two-point perspective. (Suggested finishing time: 1 hour 15 min.)

a. Use the 9x12 sketchpad.
b. Trace with pens. And shade with color pencils.

3. Shading practice. (Suggested finishing time: 2 hours.)

This drawing provides some very good ways of shading with pen. When you are not sure about shading in the future, you can always go back to see how you did shading in this drawing. I want you to follow the exact shading ways in this drawing. I will send the picture to your emails too, in case you couldn't see the shading technique very clearly here in the blog.

a. Use the grid paper.
b. At the end, only pen lines can be seen.

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